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建筑防水词汇中英文对照 5 (121-150)总261
建筑防水词汇中英文对照:(01-30) | (31-60) | (61-90) | (91-120) | (121-150) | (151-180) | (181-210) | (211-240) | (241-261)
121、建筑材料燃烧或分解的烟密度试验方法 Test method for density of smoke from the burning or decomposition of building materials
122、玻璃纤维增强塑料燃烧性能试验方法 氧指数法 Test method for flammability characteristics of glass fiber reinforced plastics using the oxygen index method
123、石棉水泥波瓦及其脊瓦 Asbestos-cement corrugated sheet and ridge tile
124、复层建筑涂料 Multi wall architectural coatings
125、建筑涂料涂层耐沾污性试验方法 Test method for dirt resistance of film of architectural coatings and paint
126、天然饰面石材试验方法 干燥、水饱和、冻融循环后压缩强度试验方法 Test methods for natural facing stones--Dry, wet and after freezing--test methods for compressive strength
127、天然饰面石材试验方法 弯曲强度试验方法 Test methods for natural facing stones--Test method for flexural strength
128、天然饰面石材试验方法 体积密度、真密度、真气孔率、吸水率试验方法 Test methods for natural facing stones--Test methods for bulk density, true density, true porosity and water absorption
129、天然饰面石材试验方法 耐磨性试验方法 Test methods for natural facing stones--Test method for abrasion resistance
130、天然饰面石材试验方法 镜面光泽度试验方法 Test methods for natural facing stones--Test method for specular gloss
131、天然饰面石材试验方法 耐酸性试验方法 Test methods for natural facing stones--Test method for acid resistance
132、纤维增强塑料高低温力学性能试验准则 Guide rule of test for mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced plastics at elevated and reduced temperatures
133、给水用硬聚氯乙烯管件 Unplasticized polyvnyl chloride (PVC-U) fitting for water supply
134、绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定 防护热板法 Thermal insulation--Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties--Guarded hot plate apparatus
135、绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定 热流计法 Thermal insulation--Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties--Heat flow meter apparatus
136、绝热层稳态热传递特性的测定 圆管法 Thermal insulation--Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties--Pipe insulation apparatus
137、保温材料憎水性试验方法 Test method for hydrophobic nature of thermal insulation
138、膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品 Expanded perlite insulation
139、玻璃纤维增强塑料耐水性加速试验方法 Test method accelerated for resistance of glass fiber reinforced plastics to water
140、绝热材料稳态传热性质的测定 圆球法 Thermal insulation--Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties—Spherical method
141、混凝土和钢筋混凝土排水管 Concrete and reinforced concrete drainage and sewer pipes
142、混凝土管用混凝土抗压强度试验方法 Test methods of the concrete compressive strength of concrete pipes for water
143、蒸压灰砂砖 Autoclaved lime-sand brick
144、聚氯乙烯卷材地板 带基材的聚氯乙烯卷材地板 PVC floor sheets—PVC floor sheets with backing
145、聚氯乙烯卷材地板 第部分:有基材有背涂层聚氯乙烯卷材地板 PVC floor sheets--Part : PVC floor sheets having base with back
146、水泥取样方法 Sampling method of cement
147、聚氯乙烯防水卷材 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic sheets for waterproofing
148、氯化聚乙烯防水卷材 Chlorinated polyethylene plastic sheets for waterproofing
149、建筑胶粘剂通用试验方法 General testing methods for construction adhesives
150、用作水泥混合材料的工业废渣活性试验方法 Test method for activity of industrial waste slag used as addition to cement
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